Thursday, October 12, 2006

Appalachian Mountain Club

The heavy winds of a strong Northeaster did not stop several four members of the AMC from paddling their own boats out to Sedge on Friday afternoon. Always a diverse group, AMC members on this trip included several people from the Philadelphia Rowing Program for the Disabled. Tony shuttled the heavy gear on the pontoon boat. I accompanied the group as we worked our way north along the shore of Island Beach State Park, took cover in the lee of the Buster Islands, and then blew across the last half mile of open water to the landing. It was an adventurous experience for all. The strong northeast flow continued all the next day so rather than fight wind whipped waves, we chose to stay in natural channels and mosquito ditches. As we paddled around the marsh we noticed that all of the osprey are gone. But, just as we began to think we wouldn’t see much wildlife, the peregrine falcon made a dramatic appearance on the tower.
Having less than ideal weather provided a good excuse for club members to spend even more time in the kitchen preparing gourmet food. Soups and stews, chili and chicken, we ate and ate. Potential Sedge staff member Bernie Isaacson added to the incredible variety by cooking up some halibut and lingcod that he caught in Alaska less than a week before.
On Sunday the winds moderated and we paddled north along Island Beach to Tices Shoals, back to the dock, south to the Army Corps of Engineers dike, and through the Sea Dog Trail back to the house – a trip of about sixteen miles. Monday’s weather was the complete opposite of Friday. Barnegat Bay was a calm as a millpond. In the brilliant sunshine of a fine October day we paddled to several dredge spoil islands checking for signs of bird life. What a way to spend Columbus Day weekend!


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