Friday, August 11, 2006

Friends of Sedge Gathering

As usual, the Friends of Sedge gathering was a completely informal affair. People began arriving Friday night, some choosing to paddle out into a beautiful sunset. After dinner a small group of Friends sat on the porch enjoying the fireflys over the marsh and the stars overhead. At dawn on Saturday morning Jose Fernandez joined Tony Raniero on his dock to catch more than a dozen perfect eating size bluefish.

Just before lunch on Saturday with the bulk of the group present, Jim Merritt recognized the contributions made by Friends thus far in 2006. As always Tony and Jackie Raniero had by far the greatest the number of hours spent working at the island. With the summer nearly half over our four interns have already contributed over 1,000 hours of unpaid work. Their efforts were recognized by a contribution of $100.00 each from the Conserve Wildlife Foundation. In addition, researchers who use Sedge Island as a base of operations and always take time to educate and involve residential groups in their work were recognized for their contribution.

On Saturday afternoon twenty-five Friends were involved in a variety of work projects. Several people helped Tony Raniero erect the Sedge Island Marine Conservation Zone sign along the Oyster Creek Channel. Many others dug sand from the bay and filled in the washed out areas behind the bulkhead. But everyone worked with artist Lisa Williams as together we created a mosaic “Welcome to Sedge” sign.

Many thanks to all of you for coming and helping out. A special big thank you to intern and culinary artist Alyssa Tripler for coordinating the event and most importantly, the food. For those of you who didn’t make it – sorry you missed this opportunity to be on the island. Don’t wait too long to come back. Our next event will be on Saturday October 7th when a group the Appalachian Mountain Club will be in residence for the Columbus Day weekend.


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